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Showing posts from April, 2013
My favorite thing to think about of late is how we in education can create districts and schools of innovation - not just pockets. And how can we do this in existing schools where the majority of our country's students attend? Starting a charter school is "the easy way out" in my way of thinking. How do we do this with fidelity in districts that serve 2,000 students and up? I'm hoping to apply some of what is in this Deloitte University Press paper to my thinking. Institutional Innovation: Creating Smarter Organizations to Scale Learning by Deloitte University Press

Google Reader's End - Maybe its a Good Thing?

Like other folks, I was surprised and annoyed about the end of life announcement on Google Reader. This is something I use everyday (but I guess I'm only one of a few thousand...not several million) and I rely on it for getting a great deal of good ideas sent directly to me. Tonight I had a thought that it might be a good thing. Did Google Reader stunt my own growth and curiosity to read about what many others have to say? There's tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands or more...) of educators out there sharing what they're doing, what they're thinking about but don't have the bully pulpit of Larry Cuban or Will Richardson. It certainly doesn't mean they have lesser things to say. Mostly they right about their own action research they're doing right now - very useful things to read for practitioners. In the last few weeks I've divorced myself from Reader and used other avenues to get my information from. Tonight I came upon this nice post on I ...